Admittedly, while I wouldn’t want to wear this baby on a hot summer day, the replica is incredibly detailed. The full set includes a jacket, pants, gloves, and boots. It is made of CE approved body armor and form molded leather detailing. It even has light sensitive reflective accents for… well something. Being form fitting, it also has heavy duty stretch spandex inserts. Yeah, you better start hitting the gym before you decide to don this masterpiece. They do come in his or her sizes as well, so you could get one for the girlfriend/wife and be a matching pair. I could even see it making a good Halloween costume, assuming you don’t melt from the heat, anyway.
While it won’t make you super strong or protect you against quite as much as a super powered exoskeleton, there’s still plenty to like here. You could make a kick ass ensemble with one of these weird motorcycle, too. It would be a fun experiment just to see how many people would get the reference. Considering the movie isn’t out yet, probably not all that many. Best to wait till the movie is actually released before doing an official poll. Of course at a price of $995 for the full set, you’ll need to be dedicated to the cause of TRON and open up your wallet.
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